About Organisation

Christina charitable trust an Indian social development organization, is directly benefitting over 20,000 children and their families every year. We have more than 25 live welfare projects on education, healthcare, livelihood, village dovelopment programs,and women’s empowerment in over 144 remote villages and urban slums across 7 states of India.

The groundwork for a better life lies in education. It is the most powerful catalyst for social transformation. However, a child cannot be educated in isolation. Only an empowered family, especially the mother, would be willing to educate their child. Thus, rather than focusing on only one stage of a person’s life, we believe in the lifecycle approach.

Education empowers an individual to earn their livelihood and also increases one’s awareness on a range of issues. From healthcare, to appropriate social behavior, to understanding one’s rights – Christina charitable trust seeks to educate, empower and cultivate better citizens.


Education: Mission Education is a national level programme of christina charitable trust an NGO for education which is committed to providing basic education and healthcare to underprivileged children.
Christina charitable trust, an NGO for poor child education believes that whether you are addressing healthcare, poverty, population control, unemployment or human rights, there’s no better place to start than in the corridors of education.

Education is both the means as well as the end to a better life; means, because it empowers an individual to earn his/her livelihood and the end because it increases one’s awareness on a range of issues – from healthcare to appropriate social behavior to understanding one’s rights, and in the process evolve as a better citizen.

Christina charitable trust’s educational initiatives include Pre-school [3-6 yrs], Non Formal Education [6-14 yrs non-school going], Remedial Education [6-14 yrs school going] and Bridge Course [14-18 yrs drop-outs]. It is an education NGOM which works for education for underprivileged children who are under difficult circumstances, such as child labour, children of poorest of the parents, children inflicted and affected with HIV/AIDS, street and runaway children, children with rare disabilities, disaster struck children and slum children. Special emphasis is given on girl education and women education, so that they and their families get empowered.

Since its inception in 2013, more than 250,00 underprivileged children have directly benefitted from the Mission Education programme

What We Did Last Year